As participants in the packaging industry, the OP Group has a responsibility to enhance the wellbeing of all the entities within our industry and society. Our customers expect the utmost in sustainabilityand conscientious business practices, and we are committed to uphold our social responsibility towards our global stakeholders. For these reasons, OP Packaging currently implements and continuously monitors and improves a wide range of international management systems. These systems include health & safety, food safety, information security management, environmental impact management, and hazard analysis.
ISO 9001 sets out the criteria for a quality management system which includes strong customer focus, the motivation and the leadership of top management, the process approach and continual improvement. As a certified organization, it helps us ensure that our customers get a consistent result from our products and services.
Oriental Press is proud to announce that it has just gained certification for the Environmental Management Standard ISO14001 which rewards responsible and effective ecological behaviour. It certifies that Oriental Press implements, maintains and improves an environmental management system.
Information Security Management System is a systematic approach to managing and ensuring the continuity of the security of all relevant information within the company. A risk management approach is applied on information relating to all stakeholders, processes, and IT systems. By complying with this standard, we ensure that we are committed to increase reliability and security of our systems and information and to improve customer and business partner confidence.